Removable Foot Plates for MPM Safety Barriers

  • £ 49.93
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Removable Foot Plates for MPM Safety Barriers

Removable Foot Plates for Safety Barriers: at last there is now a solution to the problem of siting permanent protection and safety barriers in front of locations that will require access to service or maintain. Such as bonded warehouse areas, vulnerable IT equipment locations and areas that although requiring access from time to time, also need protection by way of a full time safety barrier in place.

The new Removable Foot Plates for Safety Barriers can be fitted to many of the MPM range of protection products featured on other pages here at 

Easily fitted to enable individual safety barriers to be rapidly removed to gain access behind each barrier, and then just as quickly re-instated, just as precisely as it was prior to removal.

A simple effective solution to the need for maintenance access that may otherwise be restricted when a safety barrier system is in use. 

Removable Foot Plates for MPM Safety Barriers can be installed with the following MPM protection products:

All 90 and 150 model Link Safety Barriers

Fence, SM and LM: 90 and 150 version Rack End Barriers 

Pedestrian Safety Barriers - for both 90 and 150 variants

and HR90 Hand Rail products.

Removable Foot Plates are sold in two sized kits:

 KIT 90 for mpm products designated with a 90mm profile

 or KIT150 for 150mm protection products.

Free delivery when ordered with your MPM safety barrier purchase.

Galvanised Steel product with a painted finish, supplied complete with special removable fixings for each footplate, and easy installation guide. 

For more information and details of how to convert  your new or existing MPM protection product into a removable safety barrier- please contact us by email or on 0800 689 1264 (+44 1892 256007 if outside of the United Kingdom) 

Removable Foot Plates for MPM Safety Barriers are available in the UK only from Equiptowork.

Protection without Restriction.


Removable Foot Plates for MPM Safety Barriers





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